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Rebekah has worked in Arts and Health all her adult life, qualifying as a Dramatherapist and registering as an Arts Therapist in 2001. She has worked as a therapist in a number of NHS departments, Schools, Pupil Referral Units (Catharsis), Adoption Support Services and in Private Practice at The Bay Therapy Centre in West Bridgford, Nottingham. 

Rebekah has also run training and away days for Clinical Psychologists and workshops for Arts Therapists and Psychotherapists to re-source. 

Over time her practice showed her the importance of the parent:child relationship which she developed first by training in Sherborne Developmental Movement in 2018 and then by gaining a Certificate in Parent:Child Therapy from the Institute of Arts in Therapy and Education in 2021.

Her interest in caring relationships extends to her unique approach called Breathing Spaces, combining her professional knowledge and approaches with her Christian faith to help people develop a peaceful practice.  This work is enriched by belonging to the Religion and Spirit Matters group at the British Association of Dramatherapists and the Christian Arts Therapists Network.

Rebekah worked with Nottingham City Arts in 2021 using story as a resource for connecting and coping through the pandemic.


Rebekah is Registered with The Health and Care Professions Council and a member of The British Association of Dramatherapists. She is also a published author in Dramatherapy the Journal of the British Association of Dramatherapists for her work in the NHS with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.


Rebekah Porter

Arts Therapist &



Creative journeys for life



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